San Martín 663, Piso 9
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Tel: (5411) 4311-2740
(5411) 5368-7192
(5411) 5368-7193
San Martín 663, Piso 9
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Tel: (5411) 4311-2740
(5411) 5368-7192
(5411) 5368-7193
To furnish high quality and professional services to our clients, allied to prompt responses and reasonable and tailored costs, with a personal touch, are our values.
In a globalized world, we do not loose the individual need and specific perspective of each matter we are entrusted.
Founded by the Attorney at law and Patent and Trademark Agent Dr. Santiago R. O’Conor Power, of large and well known career in the IP field, we are a Team which follows the values of the O’Conor motto “Nec Timeo Nec Sperno”, “I Neither Fear Nor Despise” and of Power “Pro Patria Semper”. In brief, the equilibrium and wise analysis in counselling, added to the courage, strength, enthusiasm and fidelity in accompanying the projects of our clients, of local and international origin.
Additionally, the mother name Power of our founder, of Canadian origin and citizenship, grants us an international perspective and the fluent management of English language as a mother tongue.